Time to disinfect your home, office, caravan, boat?

Typically when people want to disinfect they are particularly looking to remove germs from the environment to make it healthier for habitation and to reduce risk of infection.

Germs are made up of bacteria and mould.  They grow on surfaces and travel via the air to various parts of the environment before settling on new surfaces.

Mould removal is the prime purpose of the SAN-AIRtm product range. It is 100% organic, safe to use for you, your family and your pets. It has no toxic chemicals and will not cause damage to your property. San-Air, university tested, is the best product on the market to remove germs from air and surfaces.

SAN-AIRtm  air sanitizer minimises the likelihood of respiratory infections spreading by reducing the mould and bacteria count in the air. Within 24 to 48 hours, any indoor environment will show a huge reduction in mustiness and airborne contaminants.

SAN-AIRtm  Surface Mould Remover can simply be sprayed on any surface to remove mould. An extremely easy to use product that gets rid of mould, mildew and  bacteria from surfaces.

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