45 days to Christmas, do you need the house to be fresh and clean for when the clan descends on you?

Everybody we talk to, friends, family, customers say that this has been an extraordinarily busy year. Certainly, the SAN-AIR team feel this way. With a month and a half to go, upcoming  Christmas functions, together with a high number of family birthdays, all our weekends are mostly booked with the gaps closely guarded so that we have time to clean up and prepare.

The outdoor spaces are important for us as well, as the indoors.  With a large garden, maintenance is something we should chip away at every weekend, but so many things get in the way of spending this time.  At least we can say that SAN-AIR Surface Mould Remover has saved us the job of cleaning one of the umbrellas. See what I mean from a previous blog about this. I’m leaving the other umbrella as is to compare, it’s been almost 9 months now since the other umbrella was cleaned.  I’m very happy with the long lasting cleaning effects.

Now when it comes to the interior of your home you can take the opportunity to sanitise the rooms to give them the best fresh clean ambience.

I recommend you do this with 2 of our 3 key products.

Use SAN-AIR Surface Mould Remover as part of your next dust and clean regime. With a pass of this product, you will remove mould and bacteria and leave behind a thin film for ongoing action.

If you have air-conditioning in your home, get a couple of jars of SAN-AIR Air Conditioning (each one will last 6-8 weeks).  This will sanitise your ducting as well as the air that is circulated through your rooms. Airborne contamination will be radically reduced. Our customers tell us that the air feels fresh with this product.

If you don’t have air-conditioning get a few jars of SAN-AIR Mould Gone. Place one in each bedroom and one in the family room.

Remember that the SAN-AIR team are very happy to help you with any mould related problem.  Contact us today.

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