

SAN-AIR mould removers work according to our customers

SAN-AIR is a proven, natural and safe product. You and your family can benefit from an improved air quality within your home with  SAN-AIR’s natural and safe air and surface purification products. How is it proven? Independently university tested for efficacy Independently tested as a commercial-grade disinfectant Numerous case studies, a few are summarised on […]

SAN-AIR mould removers work according to our customers Read More »

Mould is one of the oldest life forms on earth

There are thousands of known species of moulds, which have diverse lifestyles. They all require moisture for growth and some live in aquatic environments. What does mould live on? Like all fungi, moulds derive energy through the organic matter on which they live. Typically, moulds secrete enzymes, mainly from the hyphal tips. These enzymes degrade complex biopolymers such as starch,  cellulose and lignin into simpler

Mould is one of the oldest life forms on earth Read More »

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